However to be safety wise, whenever the pool is open we are required to have someone readily available on premises with a CPR Certification.
This is why we need your support. Club members and their family members can answer the call and become CPR Certified. They’ll be able to sign the daily log book at the pool and help keep the pool open, providing its enjoyment to others.
The Newburgh Yacht Club will provide your CPR Training for Free. Classes will be held right at our clubhouse. The club will pay for your class and training materials. This is for both training and annual re-certification. Here are some pictures from last years training classes. In addition to helping the club you’ll be learning a new skill that can be invaluable if you’re ever in a situation where you may have to use CPR. Often, people have helped save family and friends by being able to give CPR before professional medical help could arrive.
CPR Class Dates
March 23, 2018 | Friday | 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. |
April 6, 2018 | Friday | 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. |
April 13, 2018 | Friday | 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. |
Immediate Past Commodore Greg Dombroski is handling the class scheduling and registration and Peter Cunningham is doing the teaching this year. The classes are free to club members and their family members ( 16-years of age and older) who plan on helping out using their CPR Certification to keep our pool open. The club is paying for the training out of the pool fund account.
Regulations call for us to have one person certified in CPR signed in at the pool whenever the pool is open for swimming. County regulations also mandate that all CPR certifications used at the pool be updated annually. If you were certified in 2017, it is NOT valid for 2018, per the Orange County Board of Health regulations.
Class size because of the interactive training involved is limited to eight students. If needed, a fourth class may be scheduled for April 27th.
Please use the registration form below to let Greg know you want a spot in a class. He will confirm your reservation by email based on the availability of space in the class. If you want to attend on a certain class date please make your request early. Greg says walk-ins at class will only be allowed if there are less than 8 students. Classroom doors at our clubhouse will be open at 5:30. All participants should be prompt for the 6:00 p.m. start of class.
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