With our members boats hauled a recent morning tide had plenty of room to flood our east/west dock access, reminding us of the season changing.
After weeks of hard work the boats in the marina have moved to their winter resting spots. They’re now carefully spaced and placed on stands and blocking in our parking areas. With our number of boats every inch of space is accounted for.

Some boats, even got to enjoy a quick breath of heat before the cold temperatures moved in, as the shrink wrap was snuggled up to keep them dry all winter.
Cooperation and helping your fellow members with their boats makes the process smoother and faster. Givers gain.
Alex of Alex’s Marine brought his Bobcat and helped move many boats quickly. Brian Pine, took this photo of our members working while snow was starting to fall.
Pray for good weather. Warm days are a real gift when boats are being hauled.
Thanks to all for doing a good job. Now let’s enjoy the holidays.
Before you know it we’ll be back reversing the process and filling the marina again with boats.
If you’re reading this not as a member of our yacht club we’re glad to have you here at our website. If you’re thinking of a place for your boat in the future we’ve added a membership contact form below if you’d like more information on our club.
Membership Information Inquiry Form for the Newburgh Yacht club
You can fill out this form to receive information about membership in the Newburgh Yacht Club.
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