All Hands Were On Deck for this Saturday morning work day. Commodore Greg Dombroski had announced the club board of directors made this a mandatory work session for all boating members.
Work included cleaning up the club property and some big jobs in the marina. One of the biggest was hauling in the gas dock. In the video you’ll see that one of our incoming directors, James (J.R.) Robbins, still has that Iron Man Attitude as he tackles unattaching the gas dock so it can be moved.
J.R was featured in an national television series as an Iron Man. Parts of the show were videoed right in our marina and on J.R.’s boat. J.R.’s career is as an Iron Worker.
Big Logs are always floating into our marina. Sometimes they are hard to get out of the water. After a bit of trail and tribulation as you’ll see in the video below our members succeed in landing a big one that almost got away .
Driving the Kubota is Commodore Elect John Disciglio.
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