Purchasing the Pilings Wasn’t the Problem, Getting Them Delivered Through the Tunnel Was.
The truck that was going to bring the pilings was not going to fit through the small tunnel under the railroad tracks that separates our club from the main roads. Here’s how the club solved the problem. The club found a piece of equipment that could lift the long and heavy pilings off the delivery truck and carry them through the tunnel.
Sharp turns and a steep hill had to be maneuvered before setting the pilings down at our marina. It took time and a hefty equipment rental bill. Only a small number of pilings could be moved at once. Our members worked hard using the special equipment and got them delivered. Joe Falanga coordinated, with Bob Frederick and Herb Livingston assisting.
The pile driving was left to the professionals. They skillfully used their barge, crane, hydraulic impact hammer and expertise to install the pilings. 19 pilings were installed.
The improvements included the docking area along the East/West Access which was realigned to allow for larger boats. Other areas of the marina and Commodore’s Point were also shored up.
Another big job has been completed to get ready for the boating season–
The Gas Dock Is In
Members put the gas dock back in the water and secured it place on Saturday March 27, 2021. We’ll be announcing here when it will be open for gas sales.
Thank you to Past Commodore Greg Dombroski and Commodore John Disciglio for the pictures in this post.
Distefano James says
Beautiful job to everyone, it looks fantastic!