November 25, 1925 – January 20, 2022

About six years ago the Newburgh Yacht Club hosted a milestone 90th birthday party for Vinnie Guerino’. As the guest of honor, Vinnie got to take center stage giving us some of his favorite stories and antidotes about the club and his life. Our members loved it. Being a past Commodore, Vinnie received congratulations and best wishes from our Commodore then, Greg Dombroski.

Vinnie always liked to lend a hand with our fund-raising activities. Here you can see him taking a turn at shucking clams at our Lobster Fest and bringing in a hefty tray of finger licking good chicken at a chicken barbecue.
One thing that was very dear to Vinnie is Memorial Point.
Vinnie would be planning for months to have the Memorial Point flagpole and monument simply perfect for the Blessing of the Fleet. He called it the club’s first official flag ceremony of the year. Here you can see him and a helper installing bunting. The flagpole is decked out with nautical and American flags.
The day before the Blessing of the Fleet is Clean Up Day at the Club. If there were any stains on the concrete near the point. He’d have workers over there with power washers.
What about the words on the plaque?
I remember Vinnie talking about how he chose the words that are on the plague embedded in the stone at the point. He said he wanted to say something that would include everyone.

You can see that he has done just that. Dedicating it the members. To our Past members who envisioned the club more than 135 years ago and helped it get to where we are today. To our Present members who keep working together solving day to day and complex problems so that we can enjoy boating on the Hudson now and on into the future.
Vinnie, whenever we read the words on the plaque, we’ll be thinking of you.
Dedicated to Members
Past, Present, Future
Vinnie, thank you for being a Newburgh Yacht Club Member
by Arthur Livesey
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