Newburgh Yacht Club’s Christmas Party: A Night of Celebration, Music, and Lifetime Achievements

What a wonderful celebration at the Newburgh Yacht Club!  

The Lifetime Achievement Awards presented by Commodore John Disciglio to Greg Dombroski and Joe Falanga were certainly the highlights of the evening.  

Joe and Greg are two members that through the years have continued to dedicate their time and energy for the benefit of the club.    In his remarks, Past Commodore Greg mentioned that he and Linda have been a part of the club since 1991. Over the years, they have forged many friendships within the club. He said, the members of the club are always ready and willing to help each other out, lending a hand with advice, a tool, or a suggestion. Greg expressed his gratitude for the Lifetime Achievement award and his pride in being a part of the Newburgh Yacht Club. He specifically highlighted the role Linda and he have played in the club, indicating how proud he is to be a part of the club.  

Joe Falanga, a member for an impressive 56 years since 1967, was stunned and surprised by the award. His service on the club’s board of directors for 25 years, roles as fleet captain and Vice Commodore, and his current focus on training and recruiting new lift operators demonstrate his dedication to the club. His professional knowledge as a contractor has also been invaluable in building and maintaining the breakwater, providing calm water in the marina and protection from storms. 

The Commodore added, these awards not only recognize the individual contributions of Greg and Joe, but also celebrate the spirit of community and mutual support that makes the Newburgh Yacht Club so special.  

Speaking about the evening Commodore Disciglio said, Pam of Pamelas on the Hudson and her staff did a wonderful job with decorations, food, and service. “A great night was had by all.” 

Pictures from our Party

Thanks to the members who took these pictures for us.   You can see our members were enjoying the music from the band the club brought in from the New Jersey Shore.   The consensus, the Band “The Ruckus” was “Awesome”!    Thanks to all who came to and helped out with our party

The Newburgh Yacht Club Christmas Party was held December 2, 2023.

By Art Livesey